It is said every day is for love, every minute is for love. But still, there is a day in the whole year, which is dedicated to love. This is a day only for love and love. This day is known as Valentine’s Day. People start preparing for this day month ago. Everyone tries to make their Valentine’s Day romantic and special. Some couples love to go for a vacation, some couples go for lunch and dinner. Some couples love to celebrate this romantic day, at their home. Because on this day, your partner is important not a place. So today, I am giving you some ideas on romantic Valentine’s weekend. And this will be in every budget, so don’t worry about the budget.

Romantic Drive

Go for a drive whatever vehicles you have. But trust me, the bicycle will be the most romantic. I am sure both of you went for a drive-in car, bike and also for a walk together. But on the bicycle, it is different and romantic.  Enjoy ice cream, and other street food together. Go for street food instead of restaurants. Because on this there will be so much gathering. But here you both can spend time as you want.


I know it seems a child type of thing. But this is a good opportunity to spend time together. Go for a picnic only you both, in a romantic place. Gift your sweetheart Valentine Day flower bouquet, order online Valentine’s Day cake. You don’t need to carry these things together. Order online cake delivery in Delhi from Bloomsvilla, they do fast delivery.  Play games together, talk none stop, eat together, recall memories. Click lots of pictures together, talk only about each other. I am sure your beloved will be overwhelmed with it.

Propose For Wedding

I know the propose day arrives before Valentine’s Day. But it is not necessary to propose on propose day this day. You can propose his or her for the wedding on Valentine’s Day. This will be the best gift for your partner, and best Valentine’s Day also. 

Romance is in Air

If you have a big-screen then well and good. But if you don’t have then play on a laptop. Talk about all the photos and videos, and live those beautiful moments once again.  Feed each other, and gift each other. After completing dinner, just sit together on each other arms under the open sky. Talk with each, click pictures together. Plan your future together, and if you are already married then talk about your old memories. You both will never ever forget this evening. This will be the best eve of both your life and Valentine’s Day too. Every couple is different, their son is different, their way of doing love is different. But the emotion of that love is the same in every couple. Your partner doesn’t want anything more than you. But when you do anything special for your partner. It makes your partner feel so special, especially on this special day. So plan a romantic night for your partner with love and love. Wherever you want you can plan a date. But again, I will suggest don’t go in so much loud place. Because you both will not get at that much time, you want to spend it.  And it all because of gathering. So while choosing a place take care of it.  If you can arrange this night at your own garden or terrace. Because here you both can spend time together, without any disturbance. For creating a romantic atmosphere. Do Romantic decoration, use lots of dim light and flower. Play some jazz or romantic tune instead of lyrics. If you want you can play lyrics also, it depends on you.  The tune will be more romantic. Because when we listen to our favourite songs, we start singing. Dance together, on your favourite romantic tune. Go in flashback and recall the memories.

Use these ideas, and make your love more special.  Make your partner feel, luckiest girl or boy of this world. Because in life, romantic time with us very important. Especially on this type of special occasion. And it will make you both more close to each other. So now go and make your Valentine romantic and also send flowers to Ludhiana to your someone special on this day.