3 Crucial Mistakes to Avoid When Branding Your Business

Launching a new Branding Your Business is an incredibly exciting time. Pouring your heart and soul into the project, and seeing your vision come to life can be one of the biggest achievements of your career. 

However, when branding your business it can be too easy to get wrapped up in your personal preferences and lose sight of what the client needs. With 20% of small businesses failing in the first year, this isn’t something you can afford to do. To brand your business ready for success, avoid these 3 mistakes.

1. Skipping on Brand Guidelines

With the push to get your brand launched, it can be tempting to cut corners. Brand guidelines may seem like an unnecessary luxury when you’re getting started and your team is small, but this is a trap you don’t want to fall into. 

In the early days of your business, you may find you’re collaborating with freelancers and external services rather than employing a full team. While this is happening, it’s vital that your communication is consistent. This is where brand guidelines come into play. 

Your brand guidelines will tell anyone you’re working with, internally or externally, exactly who your brand is. This includes your brand’s personality, your values, and how to communicate with your target market. Skipping on this step can lead to inconsistent, messy messaging. Not a great start. 

2. Lazy Logo Strategy

Think of some of the biggest brands in the world, and you’ll surely visualize their logos. Your logo is the face of your brand and will be across all business branding, from product packaging to social media. The importance of this must not be underestimated. 

When designing your logo, be sure to work with professionals, such as a creative ad agency. They will be able to take an objective look at your brand’s identity and your target market, and design accordingly. They can also factor in wider considerations, such as design principles, longevity, and any potential trademark issues.

Investing time and deep consideration into your logo strategy can future-proof your business and make sure your logo is suitable for any direction your brand may take. 

3. Not Niching Down

Your brand needs to have a clear target audience at the point of launching. While your product or service may be incredibly versatile or multi-purpose, identifying your niche will give your business direction. 

Build a profile of the characteristics, behaviors, and preferences of your target client. Go beyond your product, consider what they may do in their free time, their educational background, what their other favorite brands may be.

This awareness will help you create a clear vision for your brand. It makes sure that your brand presence cuts through the noise and reaches the right people. 

Branding Your Business

Building a strong brand is both a science and an art. At this pivotal point in your career make sure you’re planting the seeds for success by correctly branding your business. Follow these brand strategy steps and you’re on the right path!

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