Testing the Waters: How to Buy a Used Boat

You love the feeling of the salty sea air running through your hair. That’s why you decided to join the 14.5 million households that own a How to Buy a Used Boat boat.

After doing a ton of research you decided not to buy a brand new boat. But how do you go about buying a good used boat? What do you look for when shopping?

We put together a quick guide to teach you how to buy a used boat. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know before going to check out any used boats.

Finding a Trustworthy Boat Dealer

One of the most important steps is to find a reputable boat dealer to buy from. You want them to give you an honest boat price and no hidden fees. A great dealer also helps make sure you won’t buy a damaged or degrading boat.

Checking the Boat Title and Registration

Sometimes people take liens out on their boat before trying to sell it as a way to get fast cash in a financial crisis. Make sure the boat you want to buy has a clear title and no outstanding liens so you don’t have to pay that back.

How to Buy a Used Boat From the Owner

If you’re looking at buying a boat from a private seller, make sure to take a tour of the boat with the owner. They often have great insight into what it’s like to own and operate the vessel. During the tour, make sure to look out for damages and ask about how they maintained the boat.

Get a Marine Inspection

The last thing you want is to buy a boat, then find out that you can’t sail the boat or even get it out in the water! Hire a professional marine surveyor to check out the boat from bow to stern. They’ll let you know about any damages or parts in need of repair and an estimate of the costs involved.

Consider Maintenance Costs

Some boats cost more than others to maintain and repair. Even upgrades can vary in price depending on the vessel you choose. Make sure to check this out before deciding on a used boat.

Many people think maintenance costs are high for boats but may find that it’s cheaper than they think. Check out https://www.freedomboatclub.com/learning-center/debunking-top-10-myths-of-owning-a-boat.html for more boat ownership myths.

Setting Sail on Your Own Boat

Once you decide which boat you want to buy, it’s time to take it out for its maiden voyage… with you as the captain! Make sure to get your boater’s license before you launch the boat though.

Keep this article in mind as you look for a pre-owned boat to buy and call your own. That way you know you’re getting a great boat for a bargain price without risking your hard-earned money!

We hope you enjoyed reading this article and that you learned how to buy a used boat. If you’re looking for more helpful articles about travel, technology, and more, check out the rest of our blog today!