This Is How to Tell Who Unfollowed You On Instagram

If you want to reach how to tell who unfollowed you on Instagram stardom, you need a large following. A recent survey found that about 2 billion people use Instagram each month. So, there’s plenty of fish in the sea!

Along your Instagram journey, you developed a modest following. But, then your numbers started to drop! What can you do to get those followers back?

We put together a quick guide to help you get your number back on track. Keep reading to find out how to tell who unfollowed you on Instagram and how to get them back. 

How to Tell Who Unfollowed You On Instagram in 3 Different Ways

You noticed the number of followers on your Instagram dropping. But who is missing? Try these 3 ways to find out who unfollowed you.

1. Check Out Your List of Followers

When you’re losing followers on Instagram, you want to know who you’re losing so you can focus more effort on that demographic. Go through your list of followers to see who is missing.

2. Go Through Other Member’s Following List

After you go through your list, you can confirm your findings by seeing if you’re on those peoples’ following list. This takes a good deal of time because you have to go through former followers one by one.

3. Third-Party Instagram Follower Apps

After you sign up for one of these services, you can see anyone who unfollowed you and some analytics about those people. Make sure to choose an honest company that won’t steal your account information.

How to Win Back Your Subscribers

Ok, so you lost a few followers. It’s not the end of the world. Try these tips to win them back.

Look at Your Grid from a Follower’s Point of View

Sometimes your grid design gets boring or lacks pizazz. Check out your grid from the followers’ view to see how they see your account. This way you can get more followers on Instagram and reengage the ones who lost interest.

Reevaluate Your Analytics

When is the last time you looked at your analytics? Sometimes posting at the wrong time can cost you a ton of interaction with your followers. Make sure to check the behaviour patterns of your followers.

If all else fails, you can buy followers to help boost your visibility. For more about this, check out this Instagram followers hack so you can get more Instagram followers.

Reengaging Your Fans on Instagram

Losing a follower doesn’t have to mean you lose them forever! If you make some key changes you can win them back.

Keep this article in mind to find out who you lost and what you can do to fix that. Soon, you’ll see your number of followers rise again!

We hope you enjoyed reading this article and that you learned all about how to tell who unfollowed you on Instagram. If you’re looking for more helpful articles about marketing, business, and more, check out the rest of our blog today!