5 Reasons Your Website Traffic is Low

It takes a lot of thought and hard work to develop a brand that’s unique in a given industry. Unfortunately, even if you do the work and put your heart and soul into your business Website Traffic, it might not be enough.

For a company to succeed, it must achieve a high level of brand awareness. The more consumers in your target market who know about your brand, the more leads you’ll generate. The more leads you generate, the higher your sales numbers will be.

In other words, you need to establish a strong and reliable online presence. This will lead to more website traffic, which is where you’ll be able to market your products or services, communicate with consumers, publish content, and more.

If you’re struggling to bring consumers to your site, it could be for any number of reasons. We’re here to address the most common issues. Keep reading to find out why your online traffic is low.

You’re Not Using the Right Keywords

Choosing the right keywords to increase your website traffic is more difficult than you might think. You have to be careful not to use over-saturated keywords in your industry. If you do, your content will get lost in the millions of search results that come up.

Effective SEO content uses long-tail keywords, niche-specific keywords, and geo-specific keywords. There are SEO tools and software you can use to identify the best keywords for your niche and industry. Otherwise, work with a digital marketing company that specializes in SEO marketing.

You Don’t Have a Link-Building Strategy

Link-building is an essential component of SEO marketing. Your SEO strategy template should include internal links, external links, and backlinks.

Internal links are hyperlinks in your website that lead to other pages of your site. This can include other articles, your shop, specific product pages, contact info, etc. You should also include external links in your content to source statistics, studies, and other outside information.

Backlinks are links to your website from other websites. These are vital for improving website traffic because it shows Google that your site is credible. If other sites are linking to your website, it obviously contains something of value.

Your Website Isn’t Optimized for Mobile Devices

Recent studies show that 85% of Americans own smartphones. This means the majority of your website traffic is probably coming from consumers using these devices.

As such, Google prioritizes mobile-friendly sites. Not only will your SEO ranking be higher, but your website visitors will have a much easier time navigating your website.

If your site isn’t optimized for mobile devices, people on smartphones and tablets will experience slow loading times, improper formatting, etc. They won’t stay on your site very long and you’ll lose out on countless sales opportunities.

Is Your Website Traffic Low?

If you’re struggling with low website traffic, it’s likely for one of the reasons listed above. However, there are numerous other things that could be inhibiting your SEO rankings.

For more digital marketing advice, stick around and read through some of our other articles. Our blog is full of guidance and tips for small business owners and entrepreneurs like you.